
Skuldig (Guilty) will be published in Albania by Ombra GVG.

My fifth Afrikaans novel, Donker Water, is now available in bookstores as well as online. Two young constables decide to join the South African Police Service’s Diving Unit.

The Albanian translation of Dark Traces, Gjurmë Të Errëta, is now available.

Dark Traces will be published in Albania by Ombra GVG.

New Afrikaans short story: “Lopers” is on LitNet.

New Afrikaans short story: “Ons eendag” is in this month’s Vrouekeur.

New Afrikaans short story: “Stevie” is in this month’s Vrouekeur.

New Afrikaans short story: “Hartswater” is in this month’s Vrouekeur.

Losprys is one of the finalists for the ATKV’s “Woordveertjie” for Suspense Fiction. The other two are Prooi (Deon Meyer) and Sondag (Irma Venter).

The Turkish translation of Dark Traces, Karanlik İzler, is now available.

New Afrikaans short story: “Boomgom” is in this month’s Vrouekeur.

New Afrikaans short story: “Soetdoring” is in this week’s Vrouekeur.

My fourth Afrikaans novel, Losprys, is now available in bookstores as well as online. A return to the police procedural, this case is a teenage boy kidnapped for ransom.

Mags is on a crash course to learn Turkish, because Dark Traces will be translated and published in Turkey by A7 Kitap.

Interview: Refiloe Metsing spoke to me for the Writers College Blog. It was in the womb of their Write a Novel course that Dark Traces was conceived.

Dark Traces has sold out in South Africa and is being reprinted.

New Afrikaans short story: “Hangberg” is in this week’s Vrouekeur.

New Afrikaans short story: “Kersverhaal” is in this week’s Huisgenoot.

New Afrikaans short story: “Nettievanniebure” is in this week’s Vrouekeur.

My short story, “Papie”, is one of the 25 to be included in 2018’s annual collection for the US Woordfees.

New American review of Dark Traces: “A dark, intriguing, and satisfying tale with strong characters,” writes Kirkus Reviews in a starred review.

Interview: “Martin places a premium on realism, and it shows in the book. But his character study of his protagonist, Jan Magson, and the people caught up in the killer’s wake are riveting.” Michael Sears interrogated me for The Big Thrill.

My short story, “Rooi angelierblare”, is included in a new collection about love in its various guises. Hartlam was compiled by Gerda Taljaard and Deborah Steinmair.

Launch day for Dark Traces in America.

New American review of Dark Traces: “Dark Traces by Martin Steyn is fascinating and compelling for its unfamiliar—at least, to most American readers—setting, its well-drawn and sympathetic characters, and the totally believable psychopath whose vicious murders are at the center of the plot,” D.R. Meredith writes in the New York Journal of Books.

Interview: Q & A in The Big Thrill.

Radio interview: I chat with Johann Myburgh in the Radio Helderberg studio, with Chanette Paul joining telephonically. We talk about Sacrificed and Dark Traces.

Donker Spoor and Skuldig have both sold out and are being reprinted.

Book launch of Sacrificed by Chanette Paul and Dark Traces at The Book Cottage, Hermanus. Janet Marshall leads the conversation.

New (Afrikaans) review of Dark Traces: “But for me the real winner of Dark traces is the jewel of a detective Jan Magson,” Irna van Zyl writes on LitNet.

First American review of Dark Traces: “A damaged but determined detective is matched against a bold and intelligent killer in this captivating debut thriller,” Dan Forrest writes in the Library Journal.

New review of Dark Traces: “In his ‘quest for realism’ Steyn spoke to members of the erstwhile Serious Violent Crimes Unit and forensic pathologists which, coupled with a gift for English dialogue too, makes this book all too credible,” Nancy Richards writes in South African Country Life.

Free State Arts Festival: “Crime novels—where do we stand?” Jonathan Amid leads the conversation with Niq Mhlongo (Affluenza), Mike Nicol (Agents of the State), Bettina Wyngaard (Slaafs) and me (Dark Traces).

One of my short stories, “Sprokie vir ’n Plain-kind”, is included in a new collection of 14 crime stories, Op die spoor van, compiled by Rudie van Rensburg.

Franschhoek Literary Festival: “Finding the plot.” Paige Nick (Dutch Courage) leads the conversation with François Bloemhof (Double Echo), Mike Nicol (Agents of the State) and me (Dark Traces).

Radio interview: I chat with Nancy Richards in the SAfm studio.

First review of Dark Traces: “Steyn has delivered a consummate crime novel and one hopes more are in the offing,” Julian Richfield writes in the Cape Times.

Dark Traces is now available in bookstores as well as online.

My author’s copies of Dark Traces arrive.

Good news for English readers! In April Donker Spoor will appear as Dark Traces.

The US Woordfees is publishing a second Afrikaans short story collection in 2017. My story, “’n Dun blou lyn”, is one of the 25 to be included.

One of my Afrikaans short stories, “Kira”, is included in a new supernatural/horror collection, Skadustemme, compiled by Lelani Fourie.

Swartval is rooi rose’s Book of the Month for October.

ATKV-Woordveertjies at D’Aria, Durbanville. Skuldig receives the Award for Suspense Fiction.

Skuldig is one of the finalists for the ATKV’s “Woordveertjie” for Suspense Fiction. The other two are Die Verdwyning van Billy Katz (Chris Karsten) and Skarlaken (Irma Venter).

My third Afrikaans novel, a psychological thriller called Swartval, is now available in bookstores as well as online.

The US Woordfees is publishing an Afrikaans short story collection this year and my submission, “Die pop”, is one of the 24 that were selected.

One of my short stories, “Die trommel”, is included in a new Afrikaans supernatural/horror collection, Skrik op die Lyf, compiled by Deborah Steinmair and Gerda Taljaard.

ATKV Woordveertjies at D’Aria, Durbanville. Donker Spoor receives the Award for Suspense Fiction.

Donker Spoor is one of the finalists for the ATKV’s “Woordveertjie” for Suspense Fiction. The other two are Dubbelspel (Wilna Adriaanse) and Die 13de Kaart (Madelein Rust).

Skuldig is Maroela Media’s Book of the Month.

My second Afrikaans crime thriller, Skuldig, is now available in bookstores.

Donker Spoor was runner-up in the 2014 LAPA Lekkerlit Competition. Thanks to everyone who voted.

Donker Spoor is LAPA’s “Lekkerlit” book for September.

My first book launch, shared with Vita du Preez (Waar die son omdraai) at Wordsworth Books in Somerset Mall, Somerset West. Izak de Vries leads the conversation.

Donker Spoor is now available in bookstores.

I am now on YouTube. My first video is a trailer for Donker Spoor.

My box of author’s copies of Donker Spoor is delivered and I hold my first real book in my hands.

My website has gone live. Facebook page, too.